Note: Mac OS 8.5 comes with Apple's own version of Internet Config 2.0. You do not need to install it with OS 8.5. The Internet Setup Assistant will initialize it for you.
Internet Config 2.0 is a sytem for storing your internet preferences in a form accessible to any application which needs them. PPPop uses Internet Config to run URLs by, for example, opening your web browser of choice and directing it to a specific web page. Eudora, NewsWatcher, Netscape, and Internet Explorer are other applications which use the Internet Config database.
Internet Config 2.0 comes with a Control Strip module and a Location Manager module. These can make it very easy to use more than one dialup account.
Using Internet Config with PPPop
Run the Internet Config 2.0 application. If it asks you whether you want to install the Internet Config Extension, say that you do. Click on each button in the Main window in turn, entering appropriate preferences. If you don't understand an item, turn on Balloon Help. Finally, Save your changes and Quit.
Note: If you use Mac OS 8.5 use the new "Internet" control panel to make these changes. This is Apple's own version of Internet Config 2.0.
It is important to realize that you don't have to set every preference. For example, if you don't use WAIS, there's no need to set your WAIS Gateway preference.
See Internet Config 2.0 "User_Documentation" for more information.